The View From Cheyenne
Representative Barry Crago
Feb 25, 2024

Barry Crago reports from the Wyoming State Capitol.

Download At the end of the second week of this year’s legislative session, HD40 Representative Barry Crago reports on the week’s House debates and action.  It’s been a busy and contentious week.     There is a $900m discrepancy between House and Senate budgets.   Why are the two budgets so far apart?  How can the two chambers reconcile their…

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JCSD#1 Report on visit to Cheyenne
Supt. Auzqui
Feb 23, 2024

A yellow school bus parked in front of a building.

Download As this year’s legislative session opened in Cheyenne, Superintendent Charles Auzqui, alongside representatives from JCSD#1, ventured into the heart of state politics, seeking to bridge the gap between local educational needs.  This was not just a ceremonial visit but a strategic one to collaborate with key legislators and policy-makers at the state level. Supt.…

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County Commissioner Meeting
Feb 20, 2024

County commissioner meeting in session.

Download Call to Order 0:00Moment of Silence for Officer KrinkeePledge of AllegianceApproval Feb 6, 2024 Minutes General County BusinessBid Opening Comprehensive Land Use Plan, County Planner Jim Waller 1:20Crook County Land Use Issues 9:10Website Redesign Approval 11:551% Committee Allocation, Treasurer Carla Faircloth 21:35MOU with Johnson County School District 27:15Automated External Defibrillators Grant Approval 31:55Catering Permits 41:10– Cowboy Saloon– Amanda TaylorMountain Plains Heritage Park…

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Buffalo City Council Meeting
Feb 20, 2024

Buffalo City Council members at a meeting.

Download Call to OrderPledge of AllegianceApproval of AgendaApproval of Minutes Feb 6, 2024  Public Hearing 0:55– Liquor License Transfer, Papa Binos New Business– Liquor License Transfer ““ Papa Binos 1:30    – Resolution #1476 – 1% taxes allocation 1:55– Animal Care Provider Agreement 2:55 Reports 10:45City Attorney, Dennis Kirven (none)Building Inspector, Terry Asay 10:55Police Chief, Sean Bissett – Honoring Sgt Krinkee, Sheridan Law Enforcement 12:55Public…

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Affordable Housing
What Can Solve The Crisis?
Feb 2024

Gerald Speiring discusses Buffalo's affordable housing shortage.

Download Scarce affordable housing is a critical problem, frustrating local employers who attract great new employees, only to lose them due to the lack of housing options.  Buffalo must find a way to solve this problem to avoid losing out to other communities. Creating affordable housing solutions is a complicated process. High land prices, labor, and…

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The View From Cheyenne ‘ 24
Senator Dave Kinskey
Feb 18, 24

Legislator Dave Kinskey reports from Cheyenne.

Download Senator Dave Kinskey joins 307NetInfo with a report from the first week of the 2024 Legislative Budget Session. House Representatives are focused on providing substantive property tax relief.  What is happening in the Senate and how is his bill faring?  Newly reappointed as Chairman of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee, a title he was…

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The View From Cheyenne.
Representative Barry Crago
Feb 17, 2024

Barry Crago reports from the Wyoming State Capitol.

Download HD40 Representative Barry Crago reports on the first week of the Legislative Session.  Its a short, budget-focused session that got off at a brisk pace.   Is there any significant movement towards Property Tax Relief?  Amidst the stark divisions within the Wyoming Republican Party, is it possible for legislators to work together effectively, or…

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Cemetery District Board Meeting
Feb 13, 2024

Cemetery District Board Meeting

Download Open 0:00Public Comment (none)Approve Agenda 1:10Approve Vouchers 1:55Approve Previous Meeting Minutes 2:45Finance Report 3:15 Sexton Report– Record Keeping Correction 8:40– Plowing Assistance 10:00– Tree Trimming 10:35– Irrigation System Update 11:30– Russian Olive Project 12:00– Markers 12:15– Kaycee Cemetery Gate 20:35– Comp Time (tabled) New Business (none) 30:50 Rolling Agenda Items– Preliminary Budget Worksheet 30:55 Adjourn 35:05

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Rural Healthcare District Board Meeting
Feb 12, 2024

An ambulance with the word "ambulance" on it.

Download Open Approve Agenda 0:00Approve Minutes General Meeting 0:35 Buffalo Director’s Report 3:50– Ambulance Calls – MS73 Electrical Issues– In-County Charge Schedule  Kaycee Director’s Report 10:20– Ambulance Calls – ‘I Am Responding’ program  Old Business – New Building 15:45– Billing Company Process – Total Practice Strategies 24:35– Transfers – 28:50– Mutual Aide Agreement – Campbell County EMS 44:15 New Business –…

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Is It A Great Day At The YMCA?
Director Tim Cahal
Feb 2024

Tim Cahlal discusses YMCA on 307netradio.

Download If you call the YMCA in Buffalo you are greeted with “It’s a great day at the YMCA!”.  But is it?   Our Y faces serious challenges.  Limited space, an aging building, an indoor pool that is past its ‘sell by’ date, and staffing shortages plus it’s all tied to a funding model designed…

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JCSD#1 Board Meeting
Feb 12, 2024

JCSD#1 Board of Education meeting logo.

Download Regular Session 0:00 Pledge of AllegianceRoll CallPublic CommentFacility Use Program – Kelley GlackinAdditions/Accept Agenda General Reports 13:00JCSD# 1 Student VideoPrincipal Reports 16: 15Superintendent Reports 37:25Director Reports 40:00District Level Reports 44:45Rec Board Report 55:30BOCES Report 56:00BOCHES Report 50:30 Executive Session Personnel & Legal W>S>16-4-405  58:30 Consent Agenda 59:00A. MinutesB. WarrantsC. EmploymentD. Buffalo 2024-2025 Calendar Correction  Action…

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Students Ask…
Supt. Auzqui & School Board Chairman Pearson
Feb 12, 2024

Two men discuss JCPS test scores and rankings.

Download BHS Student Council representatives have challenging questions for Superintendent Auzqui and Board Chairman Travis Pearson about JCSD#1 testing scores.  How should these results be interpreted?  Are they good enough? Are students getting all they need to reach their potential?   Are the tests even relevant?  How does JCSD#1 gauge its strengths and weaknesses?  There…

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