Septic Tank Problems at
Richardson Park.
Nov 2023

County Commissioner Jeff Shelley is urging other elected officials to join with him to address infrastructure issues in Richardson Park, a development with approximately 100 homes and over 400 residents just a few miles from downtown Buffalo.   Governed by Johnson County and not the City of Buffalo, these homes lack connections to city water and sewer services, relying on closely placed septic tanks and wells.   

Commissioner Jeff Shelley urges other elected officials to join in addressing infrastructure issues at Richardson Park

As these systems age and malfunction, residents will be burdened with frequent and expensive septic pumping.  Linking to the city’s sewer system is the preferred solution but is hindered by regulatory complexities and high costs. Moreover, many residents choose to stay outside the stricter regulations of the City of Buffalo.

County Planner Jim Waller has outlined these looming infrastructure problems, their effects on homeowners, and the regulatory challenges in recent City County meetings. The issue lacks a quick or easy solution. 

Catch up on these discussions and the challenges faced by listening to audio recordings from those meetings.  

Discussion about Richardson Park at City County Meeting Oct 17th 2023
County Planner Jim Waller provides overview of infrastructure issues at Richardson Park at City County Meeting Nov 14th 2023

Find the charts referred to at Nov meeting here: